Newport Town AFC

Founded 1970


Ethos, Child Welfare & Social Media Guidelines

Newport Town Association Football Club (NTAFC) is committed to setting standards and values to apply throughout the Club.

Football belongs to and should be enjoyed by everyone, equally. Our club’s commitment is to confront and eliminate discrimination whether by reason of sex, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability.

Equality of opportunity at Newport Town AFC means that in all our activities we will not discriminate or in any way treat anyone less favourably, on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability.

Child Welfare

All adults involved with children within our club in any capacity must complete the FAI/Garda vetting process. All Garda vetting applications for the Football Association of Ireland are now processed online.

For new Garda vetting applications, individuals should use the new Garda Vetting Invitation form and the Garda Vetting ID Validation form (see link below). To fully submit an application, they need to complete the form/s and give them along with identification documents to the club’s Child Welfare Officer (Micheal Lenihan), who will then forward to the FAI.

On receipt of a the Vetting Invitation Form, Garda ID Validation form and copies of their identification, the FAI will email the applicant an invitation to complete the remainder of the Garda vetting process online. Following this, the applicant will receive a tracking number which they can use to track the current status of their Garda vetting application.

If a Garda vetting applicant is aged 16 or 17, the above documentation must be accompanied by a Parental/Guardian Consent form (see link below). Failure to do so will deem the application invalid and it will not be processed.

Click here to Download the Garda Vetting Invitation and Garda vetting ID Validation forms from the FAI Website.

Click here to download the Parental/Guardian Consent form. 

The process can take up to 6 weeks to complete and once received the clearance is valid for 5 years.

Other vetting with different organisations and sporting bodies will not suffice.

If you are not Garda vetted through the FAI, you should not undertake any work in a paid or voluntary capacity with children or vulnerable persons in football.

Garda vetting applications cannot be processed if information is incomplete on the forms or documentation is missing.

Club Contact – Micheal Lenihan, Child Welfare Officer 087 6341160

NTAFC Child Safeguarding Statement

Click here to download our Child Safeguarding Statement

Parent / Coach Education

Click here to download the club's Parent / Coach Education presentation from July 2019

Codes of Conduct

FAI Code of Conduct Parents
FAI Code of Conduct Coaches

Online Social Networking Statement issued by Newport Town AFC

Newport Town AFC would like to bring the statement below to your attention and to the attention of any participants (Players/Managers/Club Members etc.) to avoid any potential issues arising relating to the use of Social Networking such as Online Forums, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram etc.

• All comments on social networking sites may be considered public comment by the FAI, LDMC, LDSL & NTSFL.
• Any comments which are improper, bring the game into disrepute or are threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting may lead to disciplinary action.
• Comments about match officials which imply bias, attack the officials’ integrity or are overly personal in nature are considered improper
• Comments which include a reference to a person’s ethnic origin, colour, race, nationality, faith, gender, sexual orientation or disability may be considered aggravated and attract a higher disciplinary sanction.

Newport Town AFC would like to make it very clear that they do not have any connection with any Social Media Football Forums and that any comments on such forums are not the views of the club. If club supporters wish to participate in such forums, participants are required to act in the best interest of the game at all times and should be aware that their postings on social networking sites are likely to be subject to public and media scrutiny.

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